Thursday, December 01, 2005

Oil Can Update

In a recent ESPN interview Oil Can Boyd unvieled plans for his new book and movie. An except from the interview is reproduced below:

I'm writing a book,'' said the Can. "But it's going to be hard because every day, a new book starts. We're even talking about movie rights: The 'Oil Can' Boyd Story. The newspapers here said Denzel [Washington] or Jamie Foxx might be best to play me, but I'll probably have to play me because as we know, there's only one 'Oil Can' Boyd.''

The interview again raises the question, is the Oil Can a master of his art, or a slave to his creations. His deft command of both the literary and film forms is self-evident (or at least will be), but has the Can's mystique surpassed all that can be captured by today's popular black actors leaving the only person capable of portraying Oil Can to be Oil Can himself? How will Oil Can manage the demands of writing a novel, adapting that novel to film, and staring in the film on top of a semi-pro baseball career (as well as impending criminal prosecution: see last Can update)? Shakespeare was busy, but did he have to pitch once every 5 to 7 days of the summer for the Brockton, Rox? One thing we do know is that if any man can pull this off, the Can can.

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