Saturday, June 13, 2009

Joe Biden Shirts

Last summer in the throws of Obama zeal, I signed up for emails from the Obama campaign with perhaps too much earnestness. I check the boxes indicating that I am a white, married, American male who is over 30. From that moment forth, my inbox has been the welcome recipient of many, many emails from Joe Biden, or just "Joe" as I've been encouraged to think of him. I've found Joe to be wonderfully relate-able, not just because the Obama campaign's computer algorithm correctly identified us as a demographic match, but because I feel the Joe glow. It's a special radiance that says 'look at me guys, I'm hanging out with the cool kids.' Joe knows the cool kids are just letting him hang out because of his fake id, but he doesn't care.

I've found a tee-shirt that expresses my feelings about Joe Biden as well as a tee-shirt can. It reads "Joe Biden is my homeboy" and for only $3 extra I am able to order it in mint green.

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